A Science-Based Solution

DNA-ProKIDS is a non-profit organization founded by renowned geneticist Prof. Jose A. Lorente, M.D., Ph.D. (Granada, Spain). DNA-ProKIDS is one of the only genetics programs in the world using DNA matching to identify and reunite children with their biological relatives.
Through partnerships with local law enforcement and forensic specialists, DNA-ProKIDS helps establish DNA databases in developing nations. These databases serve two main functions; containing DNA samples from relatives searching for missing children and containing DNA samples from children recovered by law enforcement. This allows for genetic matches to be made through cross referencing, resulting in reunification no matter how long it’s been since separation.
The main objective of this work is to assist governments in setting up their own database. This includes encouraging supporters, training for laboratory staff, providing DNA swab kits, and connecting officials with global science networks.
Since 2010 DNA-ProKIDS have shipped approximately 14,000 kits globally to partners in: Guatemala, Honduras, México, Peru, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Philippines. Several other countries have shown interest in developing this program.
In 2020, DNA-ProKIDS ran over 959 DNA profiles for Honduras, El Salvador, Peru, Brasil, the Philippines, the Spanish Red Cross and the Spanish Office of Refugees, resulting in 88 matches.

Our Accomplishments in 2020
DNA PRO-KIDS worked with global partners, the Spanish Red Cross and the Office of Refugees.
Matches Made
Profiles Produced

DNA Explained
DNA is found in the nucleus of every cell. DNA is like a fingerprint; unique to every individual person and can not be changed. DNA science is cross-cultural and can be applied in any identification effort.

Become a Partner Organization
At returned.org our goal is to work with organizations like DPK who support officials in any country and establish standards of communication between independent databases, in order to reunite families worldwide.
How you can make a difference today

Fund a DNA Program
This contribution will fund the process of DNA identification and family reunification efforts. This process usually includes: – DNA Sample Collection Kit – Laboratory DNA testing – Database cross-referencing

Join The Catalysts
The Catalysts are dedicated supporters who want to leave a lasting legacy. Catalyst funds are designed to support the operating costs of returned.org and our mission to connect groundbreaking genetic technologies with organizations and individuals all over the world.